10 results found | sort by title | descending

Ruth Brooks Flippen

Gidget Goes Hawaiian | 1961

Gidget Goes to Rome | 1963

Gidget-TV | “Dear Diary... Et Al” | s01e01 | 1965

Gidget-TV | “In God, and Nobody Else, We Trust” | s01e02 | 1965

Gidget-TV | “Daddy Come Home” | s01e04 | 1965

Gidget-TV | “My Ever Faithful - Friend” | s01e11 | 1965

Gidget-TV | “I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Think” | s01e17 | 1966

Gidget-TV | “In and Out With the In-Laws” | s01e21 | 1966

Gidget-TV | “Take A Lesson” | s01e26 | 1966

Gidget-TV | “Don't Defrost the Alligator” | s01e32 | 1966